This one's gonna be long..
Anyway moving on, personally I feel there is no such thing as luck. There's fate. Fate decides how you are born and how you will die. Everything in the middle, that we call 'life' is up to us. We can make the best use of it, we can make little use of it, or we can make no use of it at all. The two extremities are unlikely to happen in a normal person's life.(I am a normal person!) Some people believe in luck a lot, because you see, luck works for them. It does't for me, the way it does for them.
I was born in this amazing colony and I lived my life comfortably for the first 15 years. But it was after my 10th grade that our family(out of everyone else's) was to be shifted to a new place. That wasn't luck, that was merely an incident meant to happen. My dad has a Govt. job. Transfers happen, you need to bear with them. Only I resented it because I had the most memorable, cherishable, the happiest, the saddest moments ever in that environment. Well everyone who has lived there and left the colony at some point of time, do miss it, but you can't stay there forever! Only I moved on a little earlier than the others. In my last few months in the colony, I still kept my hopes up to see some miracle happen that would postpone our transfer or cancel it entirely, but well it never did. So we shifted to this new place, and had a hard time adjusting in the new environment, but eventually did. Life is all about adjusting anyway! There were days when I used to regret coming here badly and there were days I used to accept it and be happy about it.
Coming here did one thing that the colony didn't, our entire family relationship improved(not that it wasn't good before, but better once we came here). We got to know a lot about each other that we didn't know before(of course mum knew everything over there too but I got to know a lot about her). We became stronger as a family(even though my sister did't stay with us, we talked to each other on the phone thrice a day! Without fail!).
So I just want to say that change happens in everyone's life. Life changes every single day, every passing hour. Accept the change and move on, because well you have to! Change is good! :)
Sorry for the boring post but I really had to write it down somewhere...
It's beautiful.